Reeling In - Junior Anglers are on the hunt for children to participate in this exciting challenge!
Children must be a member of Reeling In - Junior Anglers
See tab below
Please include the names and ages of each child you would like to register
A waiver form must be signed by parents and returned before children start the program
Upon registration, each child will be emailed a booklet
In the booklet will be 3 different categories:
All Star Angler - Hot Shot Angler - Elite Angler
The booklet also including the fishing rules and regulations for each
species that are included in the Challenge
(Parents are encouraged to set up a folder for the the children to use)
Children are encouraged to catch each species of fish

Children (or parents) must then photograph and email the picture
back to Reeling In - Junior Anglers
Each species of fish will then be marked off by the angler in their booklet and
a record kept by the Reeling In - Junior Anglers Team
Each child will then receive by email a certificate for every
species of fish they have caught

When the children have caught all of the fish in a section
(All Star Angler, Hot Shot Angler or Elite Angler) they will be sent a prize!
Upon completion of the booklet and once all fish species are caught from every section,
the participant will be crowned a

There is no time frame to complete the booklet
Children can catch any fish from any category at any time
Anglers can catch the fish at their own pace
We do encourage catch and release practices and have included a
booklet on "Tips on how to handle your catch"
Parents can download this and place in their children's angler folder(s)